Thursday, October 2, 2008

Live-Bloggin' the Palin Party!

Besides taking a hearty gulp of pumpkin ale every time Sarah Palin says the word "maverick," my buddy Jake and I will be participating in 23/6's Live-blog during the VP debate tonight. You can read it HERE (not here) starting at 8:30 pm eastern.


  1. You remember the M's D show a few months ago where they were followed by that band with the insufferable frontswoman singing in French and batting her eyelids? That sense of 'god help me, half the people here find this appealing and I will never, ever understand'?

    That is how I feel every time I watch Sarah Palin and her ever-folksier affect.

  2. Aaahaha yes, the coy chick with the french horn and insufferably high heels. Nice parallel.
