Thursday, October 23, 2008

A Trip to the Shoe Repair Guy on DeKalb

Shoe Repair Guy: Hello sweetie what you got for me.
Me: Hi, I'd like to get these boots re-soled because they have holes in them and my feet get wet when it rains.
SRG: Yeeeesss yes. Twenty dollars deposit, yes?
Me: Oh, I don't have that much cash with me, sorry. Do you take credit cards?
SRG: [High-pitched voice] I don't have cash! I don't have cash! Don't you know the shoemaker he LIKES THE CASH.
Me: Alllrighty then, I will go find an ATM.
SRG: Eh, an ATM! An ATM!
Me (in my head): Jesus!
Me (actually): [Walks out silently with head down.]


  1. I'm assuming this guy sounds just like Rob Schneider on SNL:

    You lika da sauce? I get you more of the sauce...

  2. I went to my cobbler last week and he asked if I was a jew. I can only assume it was because I brought in old boots that were cracking and leaking. Otherwise I am incredibly confused.

    I like cobblers. They make me laugh.
