Friday, December 12, 2008

Unprofessional Skills

1. Talking about a coworker in his/her absence and immediately switching topics, mid-rant, when he/she walks into the room
2. Talking about a coworker over Gchat when he/she is sitting right next to me in full view of my computer monitor
3. Concealing my Hulu/Failblog/RandomKittenGenerator addictions
4. Masking my contempt for the management
5. Being alternately ignored and talked down to like I am a small child
6. Taking offense at most of the jokes said in my presence
7. Stewing silently
8. Sleeping with my eyes open
9. Sound effects
10. Lying


  1. we are alike in so many ways.

    'cept you have a job...


  2. one I did not see mentioned was the ability to complement people in the workplace such that you know you are just ripping the hell out of them, but in their mind they accept the complement and only think happy, happy thoughts.
