Friday, January 9, 2009

What's Your Resolution?

by JESSALEE LANDFRIED, guest blogger

A letter to the editor that my dad received at the newspaper where he works (he is the editorial page editor at the Durham Herald-Sun), in response to the prompt, "What's your New Year's resolution?":

> I think the person who keep dropping off unwanted pets at
> my house should resolve to stop this. We are going broke
> trying to take care of what we do have. We are trying to
> find the chicken a good home. The last little kitten we
> didn't find until it was run over. Enough is ENOUGH !
> Besides being broke, we are tired, my health could be
> better, and we are mad at whoever is doing this. Hope I
> don't see catch them. I live not 1 1/2 mile from the
> Durham County Animal Shelter which has facilities for
> unwanted pets.

[Editor's note:
This is unrelated, but I really like the headline of Wednesday's Herald-Sun editorial: "Getting Serious on Dog, Cat Tax."


  1. new years resolution 2009: no babies!

  2. nice.

    Best headline I've ever seen, from my hometown paper:

    "Enough About Taxes: The Real Debate Is About Apple Butter"
